Showcase: Not-for-Profit/Health/Brand communication




The Royal Marsden

For some years radiotherapy has, incorrectly, been seen as a follow up procedure in cancer treatment. This negative perception of radiotherapy  was something that our client wished to correct. By conducting extensive conversations with experts and traveling with patients to radiotherapy sessions, as well interviewing GPs and oncologists, we opened up a rich stream of consciousness about what people believed, and feared, most. In deciphering this we discovered that what people particularly feared was the notion of being ‘processed’ and being at the mercy of technology. As a result we were able to help our client develop a narrative based around the notion of ‘My Radiotherapy’ in which real patients talked about the control and input that they have into their high-tech treatments. By changing tack from a technological to human focus we were able to help our client develop a digital and print campaign that’s now positively altering perceptions of radiotherapy and its leading contribution in the fight against cancer.